Company Questions

1. What do you want to achieve?

If there are several aims, try to place them in order of importance. 

Oxfam want to highlight the issue of poverty and homelessness within Cardiff. This minority are ignored on a daily basis within the streets of Cardiff which may lead to mental health problems and later alcohol and drug abuse. Oxfam would like to grasp the public’s attention on this issue within their day-to-day activities. A very few percentage of the public pay any attention, and even less give the minority group any change. Instead, people would rather pay for a tea or coffee in a cafe which is 100x more expensive than one at home. Oxfam would like to investigate this behaviour and how it can be adapted for a better cause. Oxfam have also come across many small-time companies which do a ‘pay-it-forward’ scheme whereby the customer can put money forward for a meal for the homeless.

2. What single thought would we like to leave the audience with after they receive this work?
Does the client want people to feel angry, or saddened, or amused. How does the client want people to act – e.g. by spreading the message amongst friends, acquaintances and family, making a donation or contacting the organisation for further information, or lobbying politicians? 

Oxfam would like the audience to become more aware of this issue which is very local which in turn may increase the chances of volunteers, local charity work and fundraising. private donations would also be a great response from this non-profitable awareness scheme.

3. What do we know about the audience, recipient, consumers, their feelings and thoughts?
Try to find out as much information as possible.
Is it possible to develop a persona? 

The audience ranges from all ages. Many people are oblivious to the issues around them as many are submerged within social media and consumerism, which fall below an individuals threshold for conscious perception.

4. What is the message? Help them sum it up in one sentence.
If there is more than one message, discuss their priority.

Poverty is all around us, even if its not as easily recognisable with 1 in 8 people unable to pay their bills on time. Whats more important, a quick coffee which will satisfy you for an hr, or a charitable donation which may improve someones lifestyle indefinitely.

Mind Your Own Business; Session 2

In today session we looked at what our company name ‘Paper Trail’ means and the brand values it conveys, what it communicated and what collective values it represents. We explored the product range from its typical cost point, function, manufacturing process and its material. Lastly we looked at our competition and what their USP {unique selling point} was. In the afternoon session we had a presentation from Lee Sharma, Lee created his own business which helps others start their own business. They are called SimplyDo.

After meeting the team today we really picked at our company and its values. We agreed to work towards a traditional approach to making handmade cards with a modern approach. We will be experimenting with the equipment available to us within the university such as letterpress, print screening, embossing, laser cutting (although we have been told that this is the age of overused laser cutting, which may devalue its unique approach), however we will only need it to mass cut the cards from a large sheet to provide accurate and fast quality production. The fact that we are choosing to use these traditional approaches will mean it will be time consuming as it involves different processes, but an advantage to this means it adds value and quality to our product.

After some market research from Barbara, we found that the average uk card sells for £1.45 and 85% of cards sales in the UK are bought by women. We are hoping to create a bundle/package discount for a selection of cards to help encourage sales but also move products. After todays session we have made a small week plan of our aims and targets for each day to push for a prototype for the coming Monday which is 4 days away! We have also been made aware of the last dates for 1st class delivery in time for xmas. This being said, we are hoping to produce a selection of card designs by the 1st December to go to the Christmas fair in the business block to test run our product before the 13th December. If sales go well we are hoping our official selling date will be more of a presentation of what we have done over the past week to promote our company with the remaining supply of products on offer.

To engage our company into the 21st century we are going to experiment with QR codes and Aurasma to implement the elements of modern technology with traditional cards, which runs along with the notion of our company name ‘Paper Trail’ which was a Victorian school game also known as the ‘Fox and the Hare’ where by the ‘Hare’ creates a path which may have many branches leading to nowhere and the ‘Fox’ would seek out the correct path in return for a gift/reward of some kind. This can be perceived as a hidden element to our card which engages the onlooker to play with the card and uncover a hidden message or element to a traditional-looking card.

Proud to be Different – Lee Sharma {Presentation}

The main ways to come up with a business are ‘Idea driven’ and ‘Resource driven’. One takes the approach of following an idea or theory, while the other creates a solution by using what materials are to hand for the specific cause. Lee says that ‘Your ideas are worthless’ unless you do something with them. Creating a business plan before attempting to ask for professional advice may be beneficial as it will allow you to produce theoretical figures and support your cause or idea.

Testing your ideas are a must before any wholesale manufacturing begins.

A pyramid theory is that you are on the bottom, supporting your idea which in turn supports the business. However the business will not run on its own just by an idea, it will need your full attention to maintain a cash flow and make a successful business.

The business plan: the product/service comes from the heart. Doing market research is a massive must! the mission/goal comes next, this is about exploring how far you can take it. Next the market strategy. What does your voice say? are you formal or informal and how does this represent your business. You and your team are the supporting blocks to everything. And finally, operations, How do you do things? and how legal is it? – in terms of copyright and patents.

The six C’s

Concept – Use post-it notes everywhere, web out your idea, what is it, its function, purpose, expense

Competitors – Check our the market, how successful is it, how do others sell, is there a unique selling point

Customers – This is market segmentation, how can you connect with the customers, how do other competitors do this

Compliance – This is the legal side, make sure your doing it correctly. Google is helpful but not always reliable. Seek professional advice.

Compatibility – How compatible are you? this is critical to connecting to your audience.

Cashflow – I will go on to research and explain as best I can 5 ways to successfully manage your cashflow. Read below.

Spill our information which will feed your business plan, when doing market research – ask hard questions which will show weakness in your product to help develop it. Don’t seek praise and positive feedback.

5 Ways to Sustain a Successful Cash Flow

Know your expenses. Discounting items may seem like a genius idea to attract customers, but selling anything at a loss will not create a positive cash flow. If you do discount items, make sure that you break even or still at a profit.

Bundle products and services. As explained previously, discounting is not recommended however adding value is. By bundling products a company can inject a huge amount of perceived and tangible value into their offering for very little cost.

Create a back-end product or service. If you think that your initial offer to attract new customers won’t be profitable, find ways to create higher price points on back-end products or services. For example offer a free incentive with cards bought which increases in value as more products are bought together.

Encourage repeat business. In most cases, you won’t start to profit on a customer until the third, fourth or even fifth transaction. For this reason, you need to devote your efforts toward getting customers coming back — and more often. For this we could offer a discount for returning customers.

Pre-sell products or services. To encourage sales sooner, you may wish to promote your company before the official release date as a way for consumers to plan ahead and make a conscious decision. This will also give them a chance to grab themselves a limited card from our collection. Back to the idea of creating a back-end product we could offer a discount for any pre-bought card and bundles bought before the 13th December.

Information sourced from;

I realise most would have stopped reading by now but after researching sustainability of the cash flow, I have come up with an ingenious plan which may be our unique selling point over the other team companies which I will keep between the members of my team. sorry not sorry.

Useful information

The Lean Startup – Eric Ries

Centre for Student Entrepreneurship

Uk Government

Business Wales

Twitter @SimplyDoStartup

Mind Your Own Business; Session 1

For my chosen field option I got my first choice which allows me to become a part of a collaboration with other students from other courses to create our own small business. As today was our first session we were introduced to our team groups. My group consists of 4 other girls, 3 of which are international students which makes our team unique and multi-cultural. We have been asked to do 2 reflective posts per week on our group updates and progress as we only have 4 weeks to complete the whole section. We will have to sell our product within the university on the 13th of December followed by a formal presentation to a business to discuss further partnership. This will give us a chance to promote ourselves as young business representatives. As we will be selling our product within the christmas period and run-up to christmas we are marketing our product to be used as xmas gifts.

As a group we discusses our key values and listed the top 5 which we all agreed upon. Our agreed creative collective values are, Challenging Problems, Creativity, Growth, Co-Operation and Excitement. To combine these values within the company we brain-stormed on a company name which was fun, creative and reflected our qualities. After much thinking we decided to choose Paper Trail – your pathway to quality printPaper Trail had come negative connotations when we discussed our company name with the field course, as a trail could suggest the waste left behind a product. But from this there was also a positive connotation of exploration, leaving behind a message and youthful curiosity.

After deciding the name we needed to assign each member a role within the team. The roles are as such;

Business Plan – Barbara

Finance – Myself

Marketing and Branding (Not Online) – Dwida

Manufacture and Making – Juliana

Online Social Media – Tiffany

After the basics were completed we went through the paperwork and what is expected of us and given a grant of £100 to support the start-up of our business. This will cover the costs of any prototyping, printing and materials needed including the final supply of products to sell. Managing the money will fall under the Finance role which I have been given, however I feel as a group we will equally agree on how the money will be spent.