Tutorial with tutors

On the first day back this term, I had a tutorial with my tutors to discuss all of my projects and their progress. I explained what I had done over the easter holidays and what I wanted to improve for submission. Over the break I revisited my penguin book covers and started work on my competitions project ‘UCC Coffee’ for improvements. I also made a very detailed plan of what I wanted to do before my find submission, this included key points to help me show what the brief asked for. We also discussed what I wanted to put into my exhibition. I found out that we actually had to put up an early exhibition for our submission date on the 6th May which was earlier than I expected. The put things into perspective for me and made me create a further focused plan to help me get everything done. I have put everything else aside to make sure I use the best of time before the deadline on my university projects. From all of my third year projects I have decided to use my competitions project for my exhibition. Although it is not fully developed yet, I feel this will be the strongest exhibition piece as I can use many touch points to express my creativity and graphics potential. I really liked the student set project which focused on targeting first time buyers and encouraging them to buy a mortgage from HSBC. I created a detailed mobile app mockup. However this was limited to screen-based outcomes which I felt would not be as interesting as a physical set of outcomes. If I have any room left within my exhibition I may include a small section dedicated to my HSBC project.

YCN: HSBC Submission

Today I submitted my HSBC project which I have been working on for the past 5-6 weeks. I was expecting to pay a small fee for participating but it turns out the YCN briefs were actually free! I feel happy with my outcome however I will continue to improve and will revisit the project before final submission to make sure it answers the brief fully. They will judge the competition submissions at the start of April and the commendations will be published in June. The YCN Student Awards ceremony will take place in September, with the next YCN Student Annual published thereafter. I am happy enough just to have my work marked by the judges but it would be a fantastic award to have if I am lucky enough to be one of the applicants that are commended. Fingers crossed.

SSP: HSBC Final Presentation

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Today was our final presentation of our entire degree to show our concepts for our chosen projects. I have had a lot of fun doing my brief with HSBC. Above is my presentation of my concept outcome. I have created a phone app which lets the user apply for a mortgage with HSBC, this was nothing new and other apps were on the market which did the same. However, this app not only served as an application, but as a mortgage manager where the user could use other functions such as house search, mortgage calculator and even an in-app savings account. The app is not limited to one user either as it has the option to let up to 3 other users help you with your application and in-app deposits. I still have a few ideas I wish to apply to my outcome before the competition deadline on the 26th March but nothing major. I am happy with my presentation slides and the quality of work produced over the past few weeks.

For the next 3 weeks, I will be revisiting all of my projects and refining and completing the project files and pdfs.

Dissertation PDP

Towards the end of second year, dissertation became of significant importance and initially I was intimidated by the idea of writing a 10,000 word thesis on anything that interested me. I had weekly seminars to help prepare research and direction into a chosen topic. From first year, I quickly took interest in modern technology and after attending one of the available constellations with Clive, the seminars looked at what made an object a tool or artefact. This was one of my first experiences of looking at the psychology of technology and it really sparked an interest which influenced later essays, and led me to learn about the Internet of Things during a field module in second year. The constellation seminars during second year highlighted past issues of previous student dissertations and gave me tips on what to avoid and include within my own dissertation research and helped me to decide on a topic which was relevant to my practise.

I chose to focus my dissertation research on advertisement and how the advances in technology influenced advertisement strategies. My initial inspiration for this was post-modern digital advertisement which we experience today, I wanted to learn more about tracking methods and how the wide web could understand my online behaviour and recommend me products, it was a scary thought and made me question the privacy I actually had when online. From here I was curious as to how advertisement had got to this point in time and where consumeristic advertisement originated from. Advertisement linked to my practice as a graphic designer and I felt that by understanding the previous ways of marketing techniques would enable me to prepare for a future industry which interests me as a career choice.

Today, we are bombarded with advertisement from posters to pervasive ads on mobile games. We are great at ignoring them and I can properly speak for the majority when I say we wait for that all important ‘skip’ or ‘x’ button to appear. However, in a world were advertisement is becoming more difficult to create brand loyalty and appeal to consumers, how do subliminal messages affect our behaviour. I was super interested in the Industrial Revolution which influenced mass consumerism and the golden age, the creative revolution and ultimately the digital revolution centuries later.

Throughout third year I have learnt a huge amount from researching and generally being curious in the history of advertising and how agencies use rational or emotional techniques to create a desire for a given product or awareness campaign. I researched a range of theories relevant to advertising and culture and some made me think differently after realising method behind the ideologies. One example of this is Technological Determinism. This was a reductionist theoretical framework which presumed that a society’s technology controlled the development of its social structure and cultural values. Originally coined by Thorstein Veblen, I have focused on a revitalised edition by Karl Marx who looks at productive technologies relevant to my area of research. It argues that technological development determines social change from the way people interact with others and how they think. This is an inevitable course and suggests that technology is uncontrollable and will continue to dominate our lives for the foreseeable future. Rosalind Williams describes the process as ‘a three-word logical proposition: Technology determines history’. However I argue that Advertisement is an initial governing force to promoting such technologies which creates the demand.

From writing my thesis, I have researched into wacky and useful topics that would have gone unnoticed otherwise. I have learnt a great deal from consumerism in the early 19th century to how Propaganda was used to create nationalism and encourage prosperity at a time of economic recession.In some cases however, I lacked the ability to link methodology and theorists to my thesis of technological advancements and felt I went off-topic through exploration in irrelevant marketing. After writing a basic draft of each chapter I revisited these areas and spent my time refining them, making sure they were referring to my question and discussed relevant theories throughout technological progression.

My main issue was finding relevant books on advertising strategies which were influenced by technology, this was resolved by researching journals and books online and reading case studies for marketing campaigns throughout different eras and comparing these techniques and analysing what remained the same. Another example of this is the theory of Homo-Consumercus by Gad Saad. In this theory, Saad suggests that advertisers target the biological instincts of the consumer to create emotion connections to desire.

D&AD Brief Presentation and Workshop

D&AD are a not for profit company. Any profit goes into the D&AD Foundation and New Blood program which help the next generation get the most out of their creative industry. The foundation itself help promote diversity an stimulates a more sustainable future.

There are three sections to D&AD, the awards, festival and academy.

The festival is a great way to meet people from the industry, there are big named judges and there is the chance for a ceremony to look and evaluate your creativity. If you are lucky enough to win one of their awards, D&AD will do their best to remain in contact with you and will assist you with interviews and mentor you as a creative to help you progress further in your chosen industry.

We looked at some of the available briefs given to us last Monday, firstly:


Expressive communication through typography. I thought this would be relevant in response to the recent events in Paris and other countries where ISIS have caused terrorist activities. A possible approach would look at or express the negative behaviour from the minority towards muslims and other religions as a cause of terrorist behaviour from extremists groups who use religion as a fake front for their actions. However, this is a sensitive topic and can cause controversy over many ethic groups. This can also be a great way to express attitudes towards the Syrian Refugees whom are being housed within the UK. Positive expression and awareness could have beneficial factors to help and support the refugees and aid their settlement into the community.

The judging is completely anonymous and so if you have won an award it truly is because of your creative ability.


  • Does it have a great creative idea?
  • Is it well executed
  • Is it on the brief
  • The idea is king – “Bake the idea before you ice the cake.” without an idea your designs fall flat and unrefined.
  • “A strong idea will always beat something that looks nice.”
  • Be bold
  • Treat technology with caution, with apps – what is the core insight, how does it connect people to the situation or task at hand?
  • Focus on the brief first not the technology you want to use
  • Do more than the brief

Surge – Powered by BBC – Gold Award winning D&AD Concept


  • News for the digital generation
  • Voice your opinion
  • News that matters most

After our lecture, we had workshop to analysis the D&AD’s own brief given to us. We were asked to look through the brief and highlight any important words and sentences that we felt structured the brief. We were asked to choose 16 words from the brief, then from this 8 words. In the end we ended up with 2 very important words which we felt best explained the brief.

In pairs we used these 2 words to create insights and an idea to pitch to the year group.

Our words were Courage and Industry

Our insights were Embrace Change & Comfort Zones

Here is our creative team’s concept:


“A creative matching service to encourage long-lasting relationships  between old and young professionals alike”

We drew on dating sites such as match.com, POF (Plenty of Fish) and Tinder to produce a creative-industry equivalent service where young and old professionals can meet and exchange experiences and tips with other local creatives. Refinements such as age range, gender, distance, experience in years and even a chosen industry.

For example

Simon (23) who is currently in his second year of Product Design uses the service to find a creative between the ages of (25-35) in Graphic Design with 3 years of professional experience to improve his industry networking and ask for guidance and feedback on any recent projects.


We felt that a Tinder-styled app that could display a short portfolio of one creative’s ability where another creative could swipe to match with potential networking associate, would be appropriate and could encourage the user to match based on the creatives work, not personal appearance. This procedure would maintain professionalism throughout and help creatives to find and discover local ability easily and efficiently.

From this quick exercise I feel our creative team worked well on the apps potential and I feel it would be a great project to experiment with during our spare time. Submission is March 2016 and so it is possible to get our concept into practice in time for submission.

Further note

  • “All the best ideas had a great insight” – Insight is import as it’s how a recipiant can relate and connect to your solution and outcome  “All the best ideas had a great insight”
  • Share your ideas, don’t keep them to yourself, to get peoples views
  • Be original – Don’t rush into your first idea, usually others will have thought of it.