Exhibition: Preparing space setup


On the weekend I headed home to sort out my exhibition table I designed earlier in the week. My dad helped create my sketches into a presentable table and even a create & table stand! For my sketches, I estimated the size based on my outcomes already produced. I left  room for additional items which I planned to make between now and the degree show, however the table was too big to bring back with me so I will have it dropped off in the coming week. I am unsure if I am going to varnish it or to just put a sealant on it. There is enough room on the bottom shelf for the create and additional items I will add for genuine coffee content which I am going to purchase in the next few days. With my table set, I rest easy knowing my desired space will be available and unique to the degree show. I hope that all of my items will fit onto it without it feeling crammed. My next steps are to think about the environment around the central table such as the floor and walls. I already have a concept which I will research further before blogging about. Now my exhibition setup is out the way I can use the last couple of weeks to focus and reflect on ‘The Big Idea’ and upload my portfolio to Behance, ready for submission.


The Penultimate and Final Week

I’ve got behind on my posts over the last week as I have been busy juggling Constellation and Field. So the last week has been focused on finishing our product to the highest standard. We have completed our manufacturing and the packaging has a few minor adjustments which will be added on Monday morning to ensure it is ready for sales on Tuesday. At the same time our team has started the business plan which will need to be printed and spiral bound for Thursdays pitch to the panel.

On Thursday we went over the typical questions that will be asked by the panel and how to plan our responses carefully.

The 7 P’s of Marketing

Product – What is it?

Price – structure?

Place – where?

Promotion – how will you advertise?

People – got the correct skills?

Processes – effective and efficient ways of dealing with customers

Persistence is key

Be knowledgable of your product

Prince’s Trust – an association that will give you support when starting a business

Centre For Students Entrepreneurship – Helps develop your skills, enhances employability, helps get your business of the ground

Earlier on in the week we stayed late most nights screen printing and preparing the packaging, this was time consuming but made each card unique and give it that hand-crafted experience.

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