UCC Coffee: Sustainable Design; Style Research

UCC Coffee Brief – “We don’t sell directly to consumers; and our core current customers are non-branded coffee shops, cafés, pubs, quick service restaurants and contract caterers but that isn’t to say they are the only target for the brand. The nature of Grand Café means it ticks a lot of the boxes for companies to fulfil their corporate responsibility requirements.”

Locally there are a few interesting sustainable non-branded coffee shops where are start-up cafés which focus on the consumer experience over profit. They act as a base for networking, social gatherings and discussions within an informal environment.

CF24 Project

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The CF24 Project is a perfect example of a small café/bar which would be suitable for UCC Coffee. Its choice of minimal decor and makeshift furniture from pallets reinforces the ideology and intentions of sustainability. They offer a small selection of food to keep their customers fulfilled during their stay.

I feel that the packaging must look professional with a spark of character to have the appliance of a professional and respected coffee with the contrasting imagery of a fun, sustainable and fairer coffee which is appealing to both young and older consumers. I also feel the packaging must be heavily influenced through the sustainable aspect e.g. recycled material and eco-friendly ink which reflect the ethical and sustainable approach UCC Coffee are wanting to raise awareness and promote.


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The current Grand Café packaging is nothing close to a presentable package which could be presented on the counter to a small cafe like that of the CF24 Project. Its bright use of negative space and cliche sustainable green colour pallet highly contrasts against the traditional, indie vibe of small sustainable cafés. The use of these colours also reminds me personally of ASDA and Tesco essential packaging which brings imagery of cheap, unsustainable and unethical products. The quality of the product is also penalised as a result of mass-manufactured packaging.

Real World Project: Climate Change – SUSTAINABOX App Mockup

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Today I started on illustrating my concept for a sustainable app where the user could input their energy usage and compare themselves within the local area. This would infographically show the average energy consumption per household and the total KwH saved by taking part in this project. After finding out that our client is interested with taking our project forward I felt more happier with designing the app and each page instead of drawing a basic concept. The app itself uses the brand identity colours which flow throughout the app. I have illustrated a flat UX interface with interesting statistical data visualisation.


The tips section takes a light-humoured approach which ties it back into the student target audience. It pokes fun out of the small causes of water and energy wastage such as filling the kettle up for a single hot drink, wasting energy. I have enjoyed making this app and would like to pursue this in my chosen industry in the future.

The Concept

This app would be downloaded and used by the students who are moving/have moved into their first shared student house, upon opening the app they would be greeted by the SUSTAINABOX loading screen before being taken to the QR scanner. From here they would scan the code on their given SUSTAINABOX. This would give them a unique account number where they can collaborate a group account. The app lets the students enter meter readings for gas and electric to see their monthly progression. This data will compile into visual data infographics to easily see their consumption and KwH savings. The app also has the opportunity to view your local surroundings. This will show other active SUSTAINABOX students and give infographic data such as average house usage and total energy savings per month. This will give the household a solid idea of how much they are consuming to the local average.

As for the creative group, we will be putting each of our designs together on Monday which will have a universal brand identity through the given colour scheme and brand logo. We are also having a tutorial with Wendy on how to present to our clients before our final presentation on Thursday.