Mind Your Own Business; Session 5

On Monday we went to the library to print off our finalised designs anIMG_3369d make necessary changes. I finished the business cards which also double up as receipts. At the library we had a few issues with the printing due to our designs being resized by the printer settings which made us print more copies off which could of been avoided. However the cost of this was nothing major and has all been noted in the finance section of our business for review later. When I got home I found that the candy canes, cello card bags and pencils had arrived on time which meant that we were ready to start packaging our product on Tuesday. This boosted our excitement to move on and create our cards ready to be sold on Wednesdays pre-sale. We stayed in uni till 5 preparing the screen printing equipment for Tuesdays session.


On Tuesday we came in for 10 and had a presentation from a guest speaker called Sarah Mccall from ONGL Design and Make, she was a student at Cardiff met until 2009. She started up her own studio after working for other businesses.

Go Wales Freelancer Academy helped her out by providing a course on enterprise and jargon.

Top tips:

Be knowledgable in your product. Make them feel that they need this product. The more active you become online, the more you project yourself

“Only a poet that risks is free” Reflect an react

Then aimg_0504t 2pm we had a talk from Neil Cocker, owner of an online company called DizzyJam. He was a great guest speaker and told us about his experience of running a company and his thoughts on revenue margin in comparison to size of company which made me think differently about scale of a company as a small-time company could be making the same profit as a multi-million pound company which has high production costs. After the presentation we split the team in half, the girls went to the screen printing room to work on the stencil for print while me and Barbra went to the library to print off posters and finance receipts. When the group met back later on we discovered that the screen-printing was over exposed and so the lines were not correctly set. This meant we had to wash out the stencil and start again. We worked into the evening and past 5pm which risked us being kicked out by security, at 7pm we scrambled to our backup plan of digitally creating our products for the display of Wednesdays pre-sale. We decided this was the safest option and it would at least give us something to show our customers what they would be buying. We printed 2 copies of each of our designs and a selection of business cards which we cut out using the guillotine. We began to package our cello bags with our prototype cards, pencils and candy canes ready for Wednesday morning.