Field 2 Presentation. Final Proposal

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Looking back on the past few weeks, I have had the experience of being able to dive into different areas of technology that I haven’t explored before. To begin, scanning and printing our heads was the first time I had experimented with this type of process and it was a great way to create a physical model. I researched into the 3d printing market and over the past few years it has become increasingly popular. Although it is still an expensive piece of equipment.. the price of production has fallen dramatically for your typical machine. Also researching my dissertation area alongside this module I have tried to connect the two together.

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My dissertation looks at Singularity and its advantages to art and design. In response, I feel 3d printing has already revolutionised 1st world countries, even if we don’t see it yet. 3D printing has allowed a new and creative way to produce objects with precise accuracy while remaining relatively cheap to do so. 3D printing has proven to be life-saving in many situations from printable limbs to more recently a replica of a child heart-defect which allowed doctors to operate on prior to surgery. We are already living in an age where electrical devices prefer to keep their components in a solid state and hard to get to, so this process will improve the increasingly ‘locked’ designs.

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Next I looked at the Raspberry Pi. This device is a major step forward to distributing internet access and improved education to 3rd world countries. It is not only used by these countries but also enthusiasts who have developed their own software and coding compatible with the device to monitor and record information on projects. The raspberry pi has exposed connections which allow sensors to be attached such as a microphone, thermometer, camera etc.

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Comparing this to one of the first computers weighing in at over 6 tonnes to a device no larger than deck of cards is remarkable and really expresses how far technology has moved over the past 50years. This again refers back to my dissertation area of Singularity which is the point in time where Artificial Intelligence surpasses Human Intelligence. At this point we are unsure of what this may bring, but one things for sure, it is predicted to happen anytime within the next 5-100years.

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I have also had the opportunity to work with augmented reality. This is the section that interests me most. Films such as Iron Man and Avatar really exaggerate the augmented world through holographic computers and mapping systems. But the question is whether we will ever match this level of Augmentality. Companies such as Google and Microsoft have both taken a step in the direction of augmented reality through their products Google Glass and Hololens. Both have the hypothesis of an over layered world which will supply us with information and social media but do we really need this and/or will it turn us into even more consumers from the subliminal messages by bigger cooperations. one major implication to this is the risk of privacy, however in my opinion, for the world to push forward with this type of technology we will have to give up our privacy for more target- based analysis and recommendations.

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After looking at the Gartner Hype cycle I realised we are moving towards a point which may mark the start of the third revolution. The previous 2 revolutions marked the Industrial revolution which brought the transcontinental railway and connected most of the world, the second marked the age of electricity and from this, the lightbulb. Both of these helped mankind overcome the physical limitations, now we are exploring the ways to overcome the limitations of our minds and senses.

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My proposed outcome was directed at how augmented reality could help educate children in a fun interactive way. For my example I used an animal safari. At each animal stop within the safari, the children have the opportunity to collect a card which is designated to that animal, on the card there are fun facts about that specific animal and the types of food it eats etc. On the reverse side, a silhouette of the animal which can then be augmented through the app to embed a virtual animal onto the card. As it moves around the user is able to zoom in and spectate it in its environment. The edges of the card act as a pen in which the animal can roam, sleep and hunt. This allows the safari experience to continue into the household.

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Another example would be for medical illustrations, diagrams in textbooks are highly detailed in most cases, however their 2d structure limits the imagination of the audience. With augmented diagrams the user can zoom in and single out specific sections of a diagram in its 3d environment. I feel the human body would be a great model. An option would be available to reveal different layers of the human body from the skin down to the nerves system. At each stage the viewer can maintain their position on the body and watch as it unveils its internal infrastructure. Animation of the living organs would also add to the experience and capture the attention of the viewer. This may spark interest in young students to continue their education into biology and further medical research.

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As for using these techniques within my own practice I feel that 3d printing and augmented reality have a perfect connection to graphic communication. To implement this within my own work I would like to augment diagrams within my sketchbook to make my work interactive through a different media. I would also like to embed videos which may have inspired projects by placing it within the page which the reader can simply scan and watch instantly. I feel it would be a great idea to also place audio files within my sketchbook such as a memo or explanation for a piece of work. This would have a more personal connection to the audience as it engages them to pay close attention to what I am saying as people tend to skip over information when reading from a block of text. As for 3d printing and 3d digital models, I think experimenting with my drawings and turning them into digital models would be an interesting way to experiment with depth and texture giving them an alternative composition.

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Thanks for listening, any questions?

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